Nowadays, the Internet has affected our lives whenever we use online shops or transactions. It has even influenced love relationships. For example, online dating has been become a hot topic in China. Based on this topic of online dating, I have done four projects to discover different themes of online love. The love story is to discuss “Am I actually falling in love with this virtual person or the typing hands?” as when people talk with friends or communicate with strangers online, expressing themselves with words is a common way to do so, the booklet is to show how the Internet is changing human relationships, especially with online communication, the dating website is to consider how screen affects people falling in love in the virtual environment as the online love based on the rapid development of technologies and internet and the data chocolate packing design is to discover how to combine data with packing design to think about if data is possible to prove love in this digital age. Through these projects I was inspired about how the internet changed so quickly from a small to a bigger scale in daily life. In this showcase, I would present out my favourite projects (project 1 & 4). My personalities are friendly, responsible and conscientious. I am good at thinking, independent working and collecting. Also, I am good at photographing and drawing, with strong image thinking and artistic creation skills. After my final year, I am planing to study MA graphic communication in the future as I have much passion in this field of graphic design and I have the confidence to become a professional designer.